Welcome to the Dateology Coach Community. I’m a trauma-certified dating expert, humorist, and writer. By subscribing, you can expect incisive - sometimes unflinching - dating advice that reminds you that sometimes the love of your life is the love of your life. In addition to my insights, I cover trending pop culture and social media moments that touch on dating, relationships, and single life.

This community welcomes all singles (currently dating or single by choice) of all ages, identities, and orientations.

If you’d like more dating advice and humor, subscribe to my Youtube Channel and listen to my podcast

Feel free to submit your dating questions here. Answers will be made available for all listeners. You do not need to be a paid subscriber to ask a question.

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Empowering dating advice, humor, and stories that reminds you being single is a valid - and sometimes optimal - choice.


Christan Marashio is a trauma-certified dating expert, humorist, and podcaster.