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Women can also commit misandry. Women can also cheat on men. This is not a one sided "Only men do it" Situation. Men also date women in positions of power to get ahead politically. Women lie to get sex. The fatal attraction is dangerous to men and their mental health. There are many situations, where women say nothing when being accused of doing something wrong. Men can also turn on each other, over a woman. Where do women learn to take advantage of a situation? The girls in this podcast are wrong> There are men that are emotionally abused, going through post traumatic stress disorder or some other mental illness. These are NOT excuses, but legitimate reasons for them to not get into a serious relationship. Men and women are both vulnerable, Both do have emotions. If you think differently, then you are a misandrist. MEN do admit to vulnerability. Men or women should not be the center of your universe. Do stuff that don't involve women and you'll love it.

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