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Listen to a teaser of this week’s episode where we answer this question - Subscribe to listen to the full episode.
Hi, I have two questions. How should you respond to a guy who asks if you would ever take a guy out and pay for everything including his tab? I personally don't agree with taking a man out unless we are in a relationship and it's a special occasion. The second question is, how do you respond to a man who states all men have more than one woman and they are biologically wired to, and that any man who tells me different is just saying what I want to hear? I don't believe this is true, but I get so angry when they try to throw this brainwashing my way.
A man snoops through his date’s bathroom and finds her meds. Ignorance ensues.
Are women bullying men into not revealing their emotions?
How long should it take for someone to fall in love?
What do you do when someone tells you that you don’t look like your profile photos?
Why do men insult women instead of just telling them they aren’t interested?
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