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Nugget #1
44M as unusual as this seems , I really have always wanted to be married but a combination of being picky , bad luck and picking the wrong ones has me still single … I seem to meet a lot of anti marriage conversations when taking to others and potential women ….
Let’s talk about setting expectations and when.
Nugget #2
I (45M) have been off and on dating apps for the last few years. I've tried match, bumble, Hinge, PoF (Until I realized it was not for me). Most of the time I do not get matches, and I get that, everyone has specifics. My main problem is the few times I do get matches, that aren't scammers, we talk for a few days, seem to get along great, seem to match well.... Then poof, gone. Once every so often I can understand, but it's generally all women I talk to just ghost after a few days of what seems to be good conversations. What's the deal? Am I just doing something wrong, or is this just what I can expect going forward?
Write texts that make people want to get to know you better and not ones that bore them to death.
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