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Nuggets Podcast
Burn Them All To The Ground

Burn Them All To The Ground

Dating apps are like looking for a needle in a haystack. That's why Jennie Young developed The Burning Haystack Dating Method.

I hope you find these Nuggets relatable and empowering. They’re meant to reassure those currently dating or single-by-choice that they’re not alone and their lives are valid. Nuggets are published on Mondays and Wednesdays. Full-length episodes are posted on Fridays. If you’d like to hear more, please consider subscribing for $4 monthly. Your subscription will include three weekly episodes and the ability to comment and interact with others on each post.

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Happy Wednesday, Nuggets!

I’m so excited for this episode I can barely contain myself. Ever heard of The Burned Haystack Dating Method?

Let’s begin with a very pragmatic question: How do you find a needle in a haystack? Not metaphorically, but in real life. The answer is that you burn the haystack. There are other methods: you could pick through the entire haystack until you find the needle (maybe), but in the process you’ll be frustrated and uncomfortable and demoralized and waste so much time. In other words, you’ll feel exactly the same way you do after another night spent swiping and scrolling on the apps. So don’t do that. Just burn the haystack. Once it’s gone, you’ll see the needles because metal doesn’t burn.

Here are *my* basic instructions:

  1. Present yourself exactly as you are. There’s nothing wrong with you. In fact, the fewer men you appeal to, the better. I’ll explain that more below.

  2. Give almost no one a chance. All those “might haves” I listed above? You don’t want any of those guys.

Take a listen to hear this method’s rules to dating app success.

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Burn The Haystack! Book A Dating Profile Review - Time For You To Get ROI On Your Time, Effort, and Money - Use code NUGGET to save $10

Let’s create a profile that reflects the real you and attracts people who aren’t going to disappoint you or waste your time.

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